Individual Dream Work


Group Dream Work

Together in individual therapy we can look at your dreams and help you make meaning of them. Through this process you can further develop your relationship with your whole self.

When dreams come up in therapy, it is natural to engage with them. My approach is to thoroughly integrate dreams into individual psychotherapy whenever there is dream material. Many people find that after making or attending a first therapy appointment they have a particularly significant dream. Dreams that emerge during the course of therapy, recurring dreams, and first dreams that are remembered from childhood can also be fruitful to explore in therapy.

Many people think they don't have dreams, or feel frustrated about not remembering dreams. I have helped many people develop greater dream recall through encouraging certain habits of behavior and attention. Experience has shown that there is a sort of reciprocal relationship between the waking and the dreaming parts of oneself, which develops through paying conscious attention to dreams and treating them with respect and significance. In my experience, no dream or part of a dream is too small to be worth paying attention to, and the rewards can be significant.


In group dream work, members share their dreams with the group, and the group as a whole explores possible levels of meaning in the dream. Group dream work calls on you to relate to yourself deeply and also to relate deeply with the other members. Over time, the dream life of each participant is witnessed by the whole group.

Group dream work is a container for transformation and individuation in the context of the group. Group attention is placed on the personal development of each participant, and on the process of interactions within the group.

I periodically offer introduction to dreams workshops. The workshops meet on a Saturday morning from 9am-12noon in my office. The cost is $90. Please contact me if you are interested.

I currently am forming a new dreamwork therapy group. The group will meet weekly on Mondays, 6:00-7:30pm, in my office. The cost per session will be $100. Please contact me if you are interested in a brief phone conversation about this group.